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Behind thundering theatrics and brutal beatdowns, these WWE superstars made the ring the main draw in sports. Don the face paint, and pay homage to your fan favorites.

The Great American Bash
Jake the Snake
Stone Cold Steve Austin Signature
American Dream Dusty Rhodes
Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music
Ravishing Rick Rude Ravishing Rick Rude Ravishing Rick Rude Ravishing Rick Rude
Rob Van Dam The Whole F'n Show
Cody Rhodes American Nightmare
Andre The Giant Handprint
Survivor Series
Ultimate Maniacs
Razor Ramon It's Good To Be Bad
Andre the Giant
Ultimate Warrior Repeat Tank Top
I'm A Funker
Stone Cold Steve Austin Beer Truck
CM Punk

CM Punk

WWE Slam D-Generation X
Kurt Angle American Hero
Shawn Michaels Victory
Randy Savage GOAT
Royal Rumble Attitude Era

